Explosion in Moscow. Russian Lieutenant General Kirillov, head of the military's radiation, chemical, and biological defense forces, and his assistant, were killed.

[Maks24]: ☠️🔥 Explosion in Moscow. Russian Lieutenant General Kirillov, head of the military’s radiation, chemical, and biological defense forces, and his assistant, were killed.

🛴 Scooter nearby was rigged with explosives, according to local residents. The liquidation of the head of the radiation and chemical protection troops of Russia is the work of SBU,…

Gifted article [NYTOpinion]: Putin Sees America Hurtling to Disaster, With Trump at the Wheel

https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/19/opinion/putin-trump-russia-america.html?unlocked_article_code=1.c04.qD0-.NJhyDuy5v_QB&smid=url-share Gifted article [NYTOpinion]: Putin Sees America Hurtling to Disaster, With Trump at the Wheel Guest Essay. By Mikhail Zygar Nov. 19, 2024 https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/19/opinion/putin-trump-russia-america.html?unlocked_article_code=1.c04.qD0-.NJhyDuy5v_QB&smid=url-share“ ..to many in the Kremlin, a…